Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where to find these shorts?

Ok so I saw this ad for Roxy shorts I think in the beginning of a seventeen magazine..... it was recent like December 2008 thru now. I can't find the issue tho and the shorts aren't online. THey have like a native americanish pattern on them......if you have recent issues of seventeen mag please check!!! it's and advertisement at the beginning of the mag

Good tv and book series or movies for teen girl?

Try watching the Vampire Diaries I know you said you don't like Twilight but this has nothing to do with Twilight besides there being vampires. It's a great show (: You can read The Hunger Games which don't have much fantasy are great it's basically about 24 teenagers fighting until there is only one left alive in an arena.

What state or country does not have any property tax?

There is no such place unless you buy an Island and form your own country. All governments need taxes to operate. All get it from taxing what people want most, such an income, and property. There are some with very low taxes. My state has property tax but no income tax. I don't know of any with no property tax.

How long until interview?

my 1-130 was approved on june 7th of this year and i just received a letter with a payment i have to make for 400 dollars for an interview in the US emby here in colombia, my question is how long do i have to wait for my interview in the us emby and what ssteps do i need to follow after that. thank you so much for your time i appreciate the help :)

Best freeware for a DIY / roll your own Security Suite?

goldsheets correct except if you are a computer beginner get malwarebytes instead of spybot because if you use the advanced functions wrong you will damage your computer

I am allergic to the sun?

Actually it is called Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE). They say that it is technically not an allergy so I guess it is a skin condition. But how do I prevent from getting a rash when I go in the sunlight?

Is WWE Doing WrestleMania Right?

Ha! But we all started watching pro wrestling as youngsters and grew up with our "heroes" and - like with Santa Claus - learned the bitter truth later....and with wrestling, the in-and-out's of the industry, along with all the lingo. Those kiddies are getting mom and dad to buy the plastic title belts, cheap jewelry and comic/coloring book, so they are helping us keeping this thing afloat while it goes through a real rough spot in house show attendance, etc.

How to melt white chocolate without scorching it?

i want to make white chocolate peppermint bark and i do not have a double is there a different inexpensive alternative way to melt the chocolate?

Stop all communication with my narcissistic mother?

I would definitely write a letter to your mother to explain to her why you are stopping the communication between each other ONLY if she is aware that you would not be calling. If she is aware that you are stopping communication then I would not bother writing a note at all. Good Luck!

Why do I smell exhaust fumes during taxi before take-off on commercial airplanes?

I've noticed that after the doors are sealed shut on commercial airplanes, there is an incredibly strong smell of exhaust for a few minutes. I wouldn't think that it would be from the outside exhaust because the cabin should be sealed. I haven't been able to find any info online, which is surprising to me. I would think that the fact that you can kill yourself from running your car in a closed garage, would create widespread discomfort among airline pengers who smell exhaust inside a sealed space. I deduced from looking at some technical info that it could come from the compressors that are used to pump the ozone into the cabin to pressurize it, but it was all to technical and I didn't have the time to learn all the inner-workings of an airplane. Can anyone explain? Should frequent fliers be concerned for their health as a result of this issue?

My blackjack 2 wont send or recive texts ?

i have had my blackjack for almost 6 months. Starting today, it will not let me recieve or send text messsages. The messages just go into my outbox not my sent items box. PLEASE HELP!

What are some fun girl songs?

I need some cool songs that girls sing. I already have Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Walking on Sunshine, These Words, You Can't Hurry Love, My Life Would Suck Without You, and that song that goes "Upside down, bouncing off the ceiling, inside out". I'd like it if the songs were like from the eighties or nineties, but whatever comes to mind is okay. Like the Kelly Clarkson one isn't that old, so whatever. I just need some fun girl songs. Thanks!!

What's your latest confession?

I seriously pride myself on being a HUGE gleek. I have even made it my mission to get Heather Morris' autograph (Brittany) anyways, I haven't watched gLee this week because I've been really occupied. I've had late night opportunities, but I just don't want to watch it. What in the HECK is wrong with me!? I am a gLeek, everything with me is about gLee, I have shirts and sweaters, a key chain (mind you this is all the stuff that people give me) stickers, a bracelet... Why can't I bring myself to watch gLee? Is it because I was so excited to watch this week's episode to only find out bad news on Tuesday and maybe I can't get over the fact that Tuesday ruined my gLee day!? LOL I am insane.

Do you believe in following all of the Bible?

It depends on what you mean by 'follow'. Are we under the mandates of the Old Testament, no. Is the Old Testament crucial for our understanding of our relationship to God, yes. Thanks for asking.

Is psychological study ruining the American spirit?

No, I think it's a disappointment that science can't cure everything than pessimism. And that a clless society is not possible. I'm sure many are intimidated by all the data, that leads to hypochondria, over ysis etc. In fact an attitude that things are ok can be healthy not bumbling around like a bunch of drones.

I need to describe this?

She couldn't move at all, she was struck with fear, her body was as frozen as(a statue)... Or her body was frozen as stiff as a board.

How old is that william mosley guy?

he plays peter in the chronicles of narnia. i know, it's a stupid question, but my friend asked me and i don't know.

Would Hobbes say that all covenants create valid obligations?

yes, according to hobbes the only thing that can make an action unjust is if it goes against a law or a covenant that they have subjected themselves to. all those who are under the social contract are obligated to uphold the laws the government placed over them

How do I figure out how long my snowboard should be?

Yeah, I know there's standards and stuff out there, but I'd like to know what really works for real people. I'm 5-3 and I've been snowboarding a few times, using my friend's equipment. I've been skiing for 7 years.

Im, 13 and I need to calm my nerves! But how?

Okay I am 13 years old and I freak out about everything. I have anxiety and went to a councellor every week for a long time! I am starting to freak out about everything now, tests, quizzes, off-season, etc. The worst is probably sports, I am really good at almost everything but I just freak out. Athletics is at the end of the day, so i am never in a good mood because I'm always so nervous and stuff! How can I help this???

Do you read the label on a loaf of bread?

It's all ridiculous....... don't eat this, don't eat that. All things in moderation is all anyone needs

failure whenever in with girlfriend very less or no arousal.?

You sould contact the online Doctor , Dr.Fdsmkfja , very understanding., thanks

What's a good workout that will make me muscular, but keep me slim?

I'm trying to get more toned and cat, but at the same time without adding a lot of bulk. I already swim about 1000 yards a day, and run 6 miles every other day. I'm wary on the weights, as I don't think the bodybuilder look would fit well with my frame. Any workout schedules/tips/exercises would be greatly appreciated!

Gordon browns wife in bed?

What do you think browns wife thinks when she wakes up at three in the morning and turns to him and he is snoring and farting after a big blow out ,,,,,She must be desperate to contemplate even being in the same bedroom as him let alone sleeping with him ,,,,,COOOrrrrrrrrrrrr spare us the graphics Hope he remembered to take off his eye shadow , MioooWWW

Confused about the Dark Knight ending?

Why, again, did Batman want to take the blame for the 5 dead officers/civilians and refuse to have the blame pinned on the Joker or have it all buried under the rug (I do understand why he didn't want to blame Harvey Dent)? It would all make sense if the Joker was blamed and Dent and Batman were heroes.

Are these statistic about paternity frauds true?

Like they said who cares. I have accounted for at least 59 of those 89,000 s in 2009 and I have yet to be hit with a paternity suit.

Having trouble deciding on bridesmaids gifts?

If you can see your bridesmaids actually wearing the jewelry then I would go for it! I think everyone prefers getting the chance to pick out their own gift, so chances are your friends will appreciate it. If you're still unsure, I would ask the maid of honor how she feels. Hopefully your best friend will be able to give you advice on how the rest of your friends will feel!

I'm having these sporadic pains in one of my . The pain will last for about 2-3 second. Why?

It really hurts. They last for about 2-3 seconds and are really painfull. It's just random. Never had these pains before. Hevnen't done anything to casue the pain. Feel like electricity or a knife stabbing me. What is it?

PLEASE ANSWER: Why would a guy do these?

He seems in some way interested in you, but whether he wants to date you or wants to be friends or just wants your attention, he may not even be sure at this point, especially since he hasn't said anything. Just have fun, and don't put him on the spot about it. Maybe ask if he wants to do something with you and a group of friends rather than asking if he likes you or asking him on a date. This shows him that you're interested, but gives him time to work out how he feels.

Why did the period of a pendulum increase when the angle increased when I did my prac?

If the angle is small, the bob moves approximately along a straight line; if it is big, the bob, the path is an arc of a circle and cannot be approximated to a straight line and the period varies.

Please anyone help me to solve the following QUESTION? Thank you.?

Refrigerant-134a is compressed steadily from the saturated vapor state at 0.10 MPa to 1.4 MPa and 60�C at a rate of 0.15 kg/s. The refrigerant is cooled at a rate of 1.80 kJ/s during compression. The power input to the compressor is:

Were Teddy Roosevelt and Richard Nixon Communists since they wanted universal health care?

I would be refreshing to see someone propose a question or give an answer with some semblance of intelligence. I don't remember Teddy Roosevelt but have been to Yellowstone this summer. That part he got right. As for Nixon, I am old enough to remember him. He was most likely the third worst president in history. First is Jimmy Carter, Second, Obama has made it here faster than a speeding bullet and then comes Nixon. See party does not necessary have anything to do with smell. A skunk smells like a skunk it doesn't matter if he sleeps with an elephant or a jack.

Should I start Antonio Gates or Dallas Clark?

I like Gates. He's still the #1 TE in the league in my opinion and usually the first look in the SD ping game.

Will lime deter deer, or can it affect my hunt?

animals accept what goes on in farming as normal and don't seem to get spooked. e.g. ground hogs regularly look at my tractor going by walk in the same area you don;t see any. deer and lime used time and again shouldn't bother them they like salt maybe lime too. Jesse

Whats wrong with my ollies(video included)?

you need to put your front foot in the middle of the board instead of right behind the bolts and your back foot right on the tip of the tail not completley on it. Your ollies are pretty good now but if you do this it will seem awkward the first cuple time but you will get them higher after a while.

If you dont believe in Jesus or commitment and stuff like marriage-does soul ties ever hurt you? I thinkSo

The truth is yes there is a tie. The marriage vow tells us, "let the two become one flesh.".

Who's excited for Derby Day!?

Meh, the only interesting thing that can happen this year is a woman winning the roses. Aside from that this years three year olds pale in comparison to the 136 generations before them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Do You Personally Say...?

Love is love, attraction is attraction. Granted, there is a predisposition to procreate, but personally there are some things that CAN'T be understood. Some psychologists propose that behavior is due to some kind of abuse or neglect one suffered as a child, but that is not something that always makes sense to me. I dont really know what else to say... I'm starting college to major in psychology because these are the questions that run through my head at random points. I hope that I can find an answer that isnt so esoteric or vague.

A question for muslims?

OK, first of all, all the Muslims around the world believe that what bin Laden did was wrong. the Quran never states that you should kill innocent people..................After September eleven, there has been a lot of misunderstanding about the Muslim religion.

Are you good at biology? Let's answer these questions.?

Wow, maybe you should do your own homework/take home exam?? At least TRY to find the answers to these before you post a whole ignment online. This is no way to learn

Where can I find a cute, patchwork quilt?

I am a 13 year old girl, and need one fast. I have seen Denise Schmidt's quilts, and absolutely adore them. The only problem is is that they are too expensive. I mean really expensive. If someone could find some like her's (with a cheaper price) I would really appreciate it.

I get sick too often (at least twice a month.) How to build up immune system?

Take Vitamins. And drink stuff like Orange Juice which has vitamins and milk with calcium and just take vitamins. And wash ur hands often and don't stick ur hands in ur mouth or eyes and keep them from touching ur face. Hands r covered in germs.

Do you think the media has compromised the murder investigation of Annie Le?

I bet the trial will go on without media coverage - remember the OJ Simpson trial, what a circus that was. They don't want that situation again. I think the police have been very careful about releasing information in this case. Now that they've caught the guy, more will come out in the coming weeks.

Should I plead not guilty to my recent speeding ticket?

I was clocked doing 68 in a 55 by a state trooper traveling the opposite direction. It says on the ticket that he clocked me with radar so I am uming he used dash mounted radar to clock me. I do not think I was going that fast and there was another car that was catching up to me and probably right beside me as I ped the cop who was driving the other direction. That same car continued to p me and pull away from me until the next red light at which we were side by side. That was when the cop caught us and forced ME to pull over to gas station that was right there and gave me my ticket. The cop even checked my window tint which is OBVIOUSLY legal and not dark at all making me think he pointed me out thinking I was a young kid or something. He was not rude but I got a vibe that he didn't want to talk to me at all and just took my license to his car after measuring my tint and wrote me a ticket. Most cops ask certain questions such as "Whats your hurry?" or "How fast do you think you were going?" but this guy did not ask me anything but for me to roll my window up a little so he could measure the tint. Should I plead not guilty and explain the situation between the other car? I was very quiet with the cop so I am sure I did not give him anything to really remember me by over a months time. I was not rude at all, just did not say yes sir as as I normally would since I felt he was trying to write my ticket and leave asap.

Christians: If God is just, shouldn't our ideal justice system resemble his?

If humans were omniscient, they could implement a perfect justice system. Your question makes no sense.

Does Cody Rhodes think Booker T is ugly?

His gimmick is supposed to make him think everybody is ugly. So Booker T is no exception. I think it's hilarious. Specially when Michael Cole pokes fun of Booker T with the paperbag!

Looking for idea on attractive Betta fish condos?

I am looking for an idea on where to find an attractive Betta / Beta Fish condo. Something preferably gl or well constructed plastic that would look attractive sitting on a fireplace mantle or on a table that held maybe four fish all side by side (but of course seperated so they don't fight) Any ideas for me?!

Who wins this fb trade?

i think its a close trade, but i wouldnt do it, but what i would do is drop Olivo, he's doing terrible right now, and probably wont get better

Is the Lacoste(clothing brand) logo a crocodile or alligator?

On all of the Lacoste clothing on the left chest there is either a crocodile or alligator logo, but I'm not sure which one it is lol. Do u know? Thanx so much!

How should I respond to people like this?

So to any of you who want to try and answer this I'll try and keep this as short as possible, sorry if it's long. But i'm a 15 year old male - I play guitar and sing; I'm usually quiet at school, home, work. The only time i'm not is if i'm singing or with my really close friends. But when I go to school, i know like 80 percent of the school but so it's not like i'm a loner or anything but people will make dumb remarks about me. I'm the type of person that sings and plays guitar so i'm calm and quiet most of the time. Like for example: i walked into cl and i have shoes that are skinny around my feet - "Pumas". This girl says i have the same shoes you're wearing girl shoes and the cl all looked at me - this was when i was walking in. They are black shoes and white on the side with a stripe and i got them in the mens section in men sizes so i know for a fact they're mens shoes. I said no i'm pretty sure i go them in the mens section maybe your just wearing mens shoes. How should i respond to people like this? When they make dumb comments, i want to be remembered as a nice person. Or if someone says like **** you or something rude.

I get acne on my chest and its embaring.?

Whenever it hot and humid outside, I get acne on my chest. When I put acne cream on it at nite, it bleaches that part of my PJ's. It takes FOEVER for it to go away. Does this happen to you? How do you fix it? Someone said it was called "heat bumps". What are those?

Is this a good way to get bigger ?

im 13 and i need bigger s to impress a guy so i decided i would gain weight. i was 50 kgs and an a cup so 4 months ago i quit basketball and ate mcdonals all the time and i went to 75kgs and now i have d cups. im starting to lose weiht and im 72kgs now so its going good. is there any otha ways that work? lissie xoxoxox

I am looking for the title of a song ?

it is a chrstian song by Steven Curtis Chapman i think. 2 verses in it are "in all my heart" "in all my soul". thanks!

What did Fergie and Wes Brown argue about. Old Trafford doesn't seem to be a happy place at the moment.?

KP was in articles yesterday that he was unhappy despite being fit Fergie has dropped him from some key games.

Help Buying a Ford Bronco with some rust.?

Ive been looking for a good bronco and found one with less than 100,000 miles on it. Eddie Bauer, clean inside and out. I'm no mechanic but i know a bit about cars and trucks and i couldn't find anything wrong with it except for rust. Most of the under body was rusted but I'm not sure of any problems this could turn into. There aren't many broncos for sale where I live and most of them have some rust somewhere. Can anyone tell me of problems this could lead to? I think its a fair price (Im not looking to spend a lot) but is it worth buying with the rust?

My friend knows that I know that she pissed herself?

lol I was walking home with her, we live a few houses away right. Well I could tell she had something wrong coz she was walking in a way that made it look like her legs were stuck together ahaha, so yeah I said bye and went to my house, I look back from the front porch and I see her running with like piss skidding out from under her school dress LOL and she whipped her head around for a sec and I think she saw me look lol!! I have school on monday,, should I talk to her or just avoid it ?

Do you think Broadway messed up American Idiot?

I've listened to American Idiot many times so I know how the storyline goes. I've watched some clips of the American Idiot cast on GMA and I feel like they kind of messed it up. The main character has a British accent (and seems to act kind of gay) and I pictured Whatsername to be white. I'm not being racist or anything even though I do think they did a good job of making her look punk. What do you think about it? I haven't seen the show yet so maybe once I see it it will surprise me.

I am getting a kitten and .......!?

my mom is getting a kitten for me and we 2 zebra finches and they make a lot of noise the thing she is concerned about is that will the kitten try to attack the birds ?

Why did our finches die?

Do you have anything poisonous in the house? If you have Teflon skillets or cooking appliances and it got overheated it will give off this extremely toxic fume that will kill birds immediately. It would be odd for both birds to become egg bound at the same time. Maybe if they were extremely attached to each other one could have died and the other one did after with a broken heart. Im sorry for your loss. :(

NY JETS go all the way & win the Superbowl? yes/no and why?

i,m really hoping & praying that the jets make it to the superbowl & win it - but thier is one team that is in thier way, that is the new england patriots & tom brady, if the jets could take out the patriots , we can take it all !

Where can I watch Det. Conan Movie 1 to 11 or 10 at least?

You can get them directly from the fansubbing groups~ AConan has 1-2, Neg has 3-5, DCTP has 6, and KnKF has 7-10~ I don't think 11 has been subbed yet... at least not that I know of~

What did you wear today?

I've been in bed most of today nursing a migraine, which is why I am still away at 3.20am, so I've been in pyjamas most of the day. After I had a shower, I put on tracksuit bottoms and a clean PJ top.

Work ethic issue that's bothering me?

at my company ive noticed that my manager not only helps me(which i don't have a prob with) but he is also showing obvious favoritism to the point where some coworkers asked are we more than work partners. im hurt by the allegations and im wondering should i speak to him about the favoritism i know he displays for me? i actually like to talking with him but i don't want to seem unprofessional

How do you overdraft your bank account?

Yes i know, stupid. But I NEED the money. My cars gas is on empty and i dont get payed till friday! I dont care about the overdraft fee. Ill pay it. But i tryed getting money out at my banks ATM. but it wont let me. I know people do it. But Im not sure how?? Someone told me to go to another banks ATM and theyll let me do it? HELP PLEASE! THX!

Why do you think people have attached symbolic significance to the blood...?

Because man figured out fairly early on that if you bleed too much you die if you get contaminate into a wound you die, several cultures used to injure people(Slaves) then cut them open sometimes alive and sometimes dead and look at body functions. The ancient Celts revered the color red as the color of life because it is the color of blood.

Could somebody start a coup over Gary Bettman?

I didn't buy into the vote for Rory campaign, but I sure would buy into a Bettman resignation campaign!!!!!!!

Can someone please give me advice?

ok bare with me, its been 4 months that we've been dating. We are two different people shes a little roughneck from south side of chicago and im just the regular joe that's nice, sweet, and kind but my mom raised me so I'm very respectful when comes to females. One night we had a argument, i asked her why has she not shown Perfection as a girlfriend? then she start going out on me and how im not aggressive, that if i complain about perfection, love, showing feelings, and that she smokes in my car (ewww) then she says that I'm a drama queen and i complain more then her girlfriends. So what is it or what can i do to make things right? cause the only time when she shows perfection is when there's a vodka bottle attached to her lips but she denys that, she supposedly attracted to me but then again i just don't know

Have ye ever had an email oan here?

Sumedi jist emailed me aboot how a talk whits a that aboot? this is how a wis toat ti toalk ind a dinne hink there is oanyhing wrang wi it. by thi way big up ti aww the boays in girls fi glesga oan here mibbe a hiv seen ye doon it Ibrox wan time if no then ye mibbe huv seen me gitting liftit wi thi poalice.

Causes of knot on a dog's ?

Two of my Rhodesian's have big knots on their backsides. These 2 are both girls and are a little over 5 months old. This just scared me when they both developed them. Has anyone else had this problem?

How can anyone possibly argue that the DOMA does not violate the Constitution?

By the same mental gymnastics and historical revisionism that they might claim that the United States was founded as a Christian nation.

Texas laws about dating?

no you are perfectly fine. One because she is pretty much legal since she is 17 so no you wont get in trouble an two your not having so there is no reason for you to get in trouble anyways. even if so no your fine. I live in Texas an my uncles are cops so I know, haha.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How do I solve this math problem?

Yoshi's grade will be attending a brand new school next year. Students who will be attending the school are going to vote on the mascot for the school. To predict which mascot the students will choose, Yoshi asks all of the students at her lunch table for their preferences. Is this a representative sample? Why or why not?

Video Card tester?

Hi, is there a site that scan your computer and then tell you if a certain video card would work in your PC ? If so, what is the link ?

If my LLC is loosing money, how much of that pes through to your own earnings?

If I form a LLC and I spend over 7000 dollars in marketing, rent, technology and other costs, how much will be ped through to my taxes? If I earn 30G a year and get taxed 5G, how much do I expect to get back? Do I get back the whole 5000G in my tax return or just part of it?

Cyber war equals propaganda war --- as both are on the battle ground of information Cold war the second?

Sounds like a misinformation campaign much like during the second world war enemies would drop pamphlets with false information. Except now we have the internet during this possible new world war

The Great Gatsby and bootlegging?

im writing an essay for school on bootlegging and the great gatsby. i need a couple of quotes and if possible the chapter and/or page number of the quote. i need quotes that give hints that gatsby is a bootlegger and involved in organized crime.

Why don't follow these rules of critiquing?

Agreed. Some people need to learn the rules of courtesy, and empathise a bit more with the writer in the fact that they - supposedly- have taken time and effort over their piece. Whether it is horrendous or brilliant,as the case may be. However, I would also like to make a point that the 'ZOMG that's fantastic' answers don't help much either. xD

How do I work out the answer to Question B - cats & genetics?

In cats, short hair is dominant over long hair and is autosomal. Allele B1 of a linked gene produced ginger coat colour and allele B2 produces black. The heterozygote B1B2 produces a tortoiseshell and calico coat. a) if a long haired black tom is mated with a tortoiseshell queen zygous for short hair, what kind of kittens will be produce in the F1 (Answer: XB2Yss x XB1XB2SS) AND b) if the F1 cats are allowed to breed freely, which matings have the potential to produce a long haired ginger tom? HELP!

Why did chevy discontinue the astro van!?!?

this had to be one of the most succesful cargos ever. i bought one for my new biz, it's perfect! it's also 6 years old. but now what will i do for a fleet? i see so many businesses using them, how could chevrolet just abandon those who really count on these vans? what will we use as a replacement? i've seen those freaky skinny, tall things running around, but they are to tall to fit into parking garages where i need to go into sometimes. and the aerostar doesn't work for me either. the full size vans don't do it when parking in crowded downtown areas where you have to contend with the valet parking after 5 pm. they'll let me park the astro, but they'd have me towed if i tried the same with a full size van.

Munir Hussain..........sentence overturned!?

I am glad he's been freed. He should never have been locked up. Good on him for giving that s what he deserved. Mr Hussain should be given a medal for standing up for what is right. We should be able to protect our property and family in any way we can. If the perpetrator comes off worse, then so be it. If the s don't want trouble, they should'nt go looking for it in other peoples property. And I agree, he definitely deserves a new bat, in case he needs to do it again.

What goes down as computer hacking these days?

Guessing a pword pes as hacking, but barely. Most real hackers certainly won't give him props for 'hacking' his sister's account with guessing pwords anyway.

Warren, juan, warn, won

why they sound the similar and what is it called - any books I can read about this, and what ares some others

Are you sponsoring a child ?

That's fabulous. The two kids I'm sponsoring are 14 and 16, and until they get jobs and move out, it's gonna cost me way more than 120 a month. You're gettin off easy! Yours don't live with you, and at the end of the day, you feel like you've accomplished something...

Any else due their AF tomorrow?

yes its possible, the hcg level builds up differently in everyone. most people will get a positive once they have missed a period, other people still wont get one for another week or 2 after. i am due on tomorrow aswell but very unlikely im pregnant, but i admit id be happy if i was! try not to think about it too much, if your period doesnt arrive give it another day or 2 to be sure and test. you dont want to get excited then be disappointed with your period. if it cheers you up a bit i had cramps from around the same time as you have been then i got my positive at 4+6 weeks. good luck.

Will we actually be dancing in cl?

some dance cles are more formal or casual, but youll find out when you go. casual - yoga pants, and a tee shirt with your hair up. for more formal, wear pink tights with a black leotard and possibly little black spandex ontop.

How do I view answers to my questions & give points to the first person who answered it ? I asked how to put?

pictureof avatar up & I didn't even know what "avatar" was they helped me a lot,Iwant to give them points.Can I not do that one level 1? or how do I do that? Also, how do I see rest of answers? I went to My Q&A and it just said 31 answers but I can't get them. But the first one was awesome, look at me now!!

Please help with a few questions....I'm 36 weeks pregnant.?

baby,be glad that you are a sweet freak. I ate raw meat with my first baby. cravings are just that cravings. those suckers start driving you crazy long before they get here. you know you shouldn't eat all of that junk just like I knew that roast wasn't done while I stood at the stove picking at it like a buzzard. it's almost over don't worry. be grateful for the soft bowel movements, that means that baby isn't sitting on your intestines anymore. stuff can move freely now. that sharp pain, at 36 weeks baby is turning or already turned head down gearing up and getting ready to come out. don't pick up on anything!! relax and rest your body let your baby finish growing and enjoy being pregnant. ( I wish I could have gotten in on those Funyuns...I'm going to the circle k) good luck hun!!

When is the Oakland Officers Killed in the Line of Duty furnerals going to be?

In Oakland California four officers died from gunshots from a parolee! When is the funerals and is there a trust fund established?

atoo Dwarf Cichlid?

They are not aggressive, that is unless breeding. They are fine with all tetra as far as I know, but if you don't wanna risk losing neons, you could go for black skirt tetra.

Super size Me ?

In the doentary Supersize Me Morgan goes into diffrent schools looking at their lunch menus. One of the schools he visited had a healthy company providing its food for the same price as the other less healthy companys. I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the company or if they could help me find their website. Thank you!!

Decribe how nitric acid can be used to distinguish a carbonate from an hydroxide (include equations).?

A carbonate will effervesce, giving off carbon dioxide, whereas a hydroxide will simply dissolve. In both cases the precipitate will dissolve to form a clear solution containing the nitrate of the metal in the precipitate.

Which Zac Efron doll from Mattel looks most like him?

i hate mattel but maybe you will like this doll:a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What WR to start in Week 1?

Roddy White. He's the solid No.1 receiver and he'll put up big numbers this year. I expect Matt Ryan to breakout this year and he'll need a good receiver to do it which will be White. Jabar Gaffney hasn't shown us too much to be sure he'll put up big numbers and he has to compete for with Royal and Demaryius Thomas.

Building a home, what upgrades should we wait on & do ourselves?

First guy gave a great answer. Don't put anything in that you'll have to tear out later to upgrade. If you try to sell it, you'll get peanuts compared to what you paid, if you can sell it at all. Have any plumbing or electrical you even think you want roughed in while building, especially electrical. If you can't afford exterior lighting just yet, at least have the outlets installed and covered for weather. If you have to cut corners, I'd wait on some of the flooring which is something you didn't mention. It's a nuisance to move all your stuff to put in your finish flooring, but you can do it yourself for free. Your subfloor can be painted if you can't stand bare wood. And if you're the least bit handy, you should be able to install some flooring yourself but don't try that with sheet vinyl.

Graphics card compatibility?

I am building my own PC and i want to get it running as soon as possible. I want to see if i can reuse an old graphics card and hard drive. Would the 32MB NVIDIA TNT2 M64 4X AGP Graphics (graphics card) and 30GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM) with ATA 66 (hard drive) be compatible with the Gigabyte H55M-UD2H H55 DDR3, Cross Fire, GB LAN, iEEE (motherboard)? I know that the graphics card and hard drive are old, but i want to get this computer running as soon as i possibly can.

What experimental procedure could you use to confirm that aqueous sulfuric acid consists of ions, not uncharge

(continue from the question) not uncharged molecules, as a result of the reaction between the acid molecules and water molecules?

Are These Good Villain Names?

My story has three villains, a ten-year old bully, a terrible principal, and a really mean dude who is the big villain and kidnaps the protagonists parents. How are these names? Bully- Penelope Snider Principal- Madame Ellwood Big bad dude- Montressor (like from cask of amontillado by poe)

Boyfriend says he doesnt love me as much as he could?

He's a guy. You said you proposed to him? He's probably wondering if he should accept (unless he already has in which you should just stop reading the question). Guys (especially more younger one's) tend not to marry out of fear of commitment. Sit down and talk to him... and absolutely do not say 'I love you' until the end of ur speech. Again a commitment thing. The whole I LOVE YOU thing would probably make him feel worse. He probably needs time to mature. Keep your man and have faith... but if he drifts and further... follow your gut. You'll know what to do.

My girlfriend sent me a text saying that tomorrow at lunch shes going to sit on my lap?

Dude, is this seriously a problem? Why do you want to be scene anyway. If you could score a hot preppy chick, you could probably become "popular" if you wanted. But if that's not your forte, whatever. But if your scene buddies did make fun of you for it, you could just make fun of them for not having hot girlfriends to sit on their laps with. And I seriously doubt you'll cream in your pants, but if that's seriously a fear of you, then IDK, go ahead a j*** off to make you last longer with her on your lap lmfao

Most underrated pitcher?

i think the most underrated pitcher is felix hernandez. he's 8-10 mostly becuase he gets no run supprot he has a 2.62 era 5 CG and 172 strikeouts.

Do you agree with Gandhi on what he had to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

A logical argument from a very great man. I can't argue against what he said. Morally he is correct.

I need help finding this movie title? Easy ten points?

I saw this really popular movie for kids a few years ago, but I forgot the name. All I remember is that it's a cartoon about two mice that go save an orphan girl that was kidnapped by an evil woman that lived in a swamp with alligators and that is forced to dig in a mine for a large diamond. When she finally finds the diamond, the mice help her escape, and the little girl is adopted into a family. I'm pretty sure the name of the girl was Penny. The movie was really sweet and I'd like to show it to my little sister. Please tell me the name if you remember the title.

I need help on the hunger games! please give me examples of figurative language, personification, and imagery?

i seriously need help, and i don't wanna be lectured that i need to do my own homework. please, please, please help me:)) thank you:))

Why is traveling through time hard c/c?

All of my life I have hated the bleeding deacons who would go "you spelled 'eternities' wrong !" but you are turning me into one more and more. What is right about the poem gets buried under trivia and error.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Electrical question... pls hlp?

In electrical motors, what is the difference between nominal output and rated output if there is any???? thnks

Will England be defeated by Bangladesh this time around!?

They have every chance of winning against England. Bangladesh shouldn't be written off anymore, they're a decent side when they put it together.

How to find info on grandfather?

I just recently found out that my moms father was from nixon texas and I am trying to find out a little of my family history.Can anyone please tell me how I can get this info and maybe find some relatives i don't know

Without a monetary system could there be advanced society? Would the rich parasites still rule us?

the poor do not provide the jobs it is the rich,they are the ones who pay you,give you insurance,give you vacations with pay, pay you a retirement to live on so why do you call them a parasites, so to me a parasite is some who does not wok or provide anything but lives off someone else's money

I'm trying to locate my father Jose Buendia, last i heard from him he lived in Venezuela...can someone help?

My name is Matthew Jose Buendia, i was born and raised in America. Just trying to find and contact my biological father whom i have never met or spoken too. Please help.

What would happen if the moon got knocked closed to us?

Well in this book I'm reading called "Life as we knew it" (By Susan Pfeffer if you wanna check out out), the moon gets knocked closer to earth by a big asteroid. is this really possible? They also said that after that there were earthquakes, volcanoes erupted, which means that the sky turned gray from all the ash, tsunamis, etc etc? Would all this really happen?

Internet / Network Bridging or what?

This seems to be the signal of wireless connectivity of the enterprise being utilised by your friend. He might be within the limits of the signal. Fortunately or unfortunately, the enterprise might not have secured their internet connectivity through a secure pword.

Why do American's dislike art music? For example most of the great composers of this centry are unkown in USA.

One thing us Americans don't have is taste in music. We'll listen to any crap, as long as it's crap.

What is congested skin?

I think its when your face has loads of spots and blackheads which clog up ure skin usually down to pollution or to much make up on the face not lettin it breath :)

Calling all fans of 'Percy Jackson' series by Rick Riordan...?

The moon goddess is known for her countless love affairs, so her daughter could be very popular and always be chased by boys.

What SAT score should I get in order to go to an Ivy League university or other good university?

The SAT is my only real weakness...I haven't taken it yet, but I got a 1700 on the PSAT. Now I'm reading "Cracking the SAT 2010 Edition" looool But what do you guys think would be a good score to get into good colleges?

My 2 year old has drawn on my wallpaper and leather sofa any tips on getting it off?

the wallpaper is like a beige faux suede and the sofa is white leather i would really appreciate any tips

Where do u draw the line with platonic friendships?

How do u know if your male guy friend is just that a friend or hes being friends cause he wants more. I am friends with a guy in work weve been to lunch twice in work and hes got a gf in uni. I enjoy his company but dont want more. How can u tell where the line is drawn. As he has asked me to the cinema and to look at his new flat so where do u draw the line

Do I sound like a narcissistic psychopath?

I think you're taking it just a tiny bit too much to heart. *** it man, just dumb b**ches. I know it's not the easiest epiphany to realise at first, but at least you're turning all that negative energy into something positive for yourself. Like what someone posted above me, it's a better stance than being a sucker that learns the hard way

Am i just paranoid?

I have a 1 yr old daughter who is on soy formula. She screamed for the 1st 4 months due to her allergy that drs didnt seem to notice. She had constipation, eczema, screaming and was really hard to settle, she constantly spit up milk even after 3hrs and it would be curdled. Soy really helped her. My hubby was on soy due to an allergy that gave him bronchitis as a baby. I too was on soy as a baby for the same reason as my daughter. So i now have a 3 week old who i immediately put on soy formula, so far she seems ok, she never crys unless hungry or has pooped, she settles pretty easy i dont really need to rock her to sleep she falls asleep on her own. She never spits up she may just dribble a lil milk if she gets the hiccups or is layed down too quick after her bottle. Although she has a lil red rash on her chest and back up the top and a lil on her face, they are just little red dots and she has alot of wind during feeding. Is it possible she could develop an allergy to soy formula?

How to ask for forgiveness?

You didn't do anything and there is nothing wrong with talking to friends, no matter how taboo it felt. Seriously, your boyfriend should be apologizing to you for being selfish and acting as if you are his property. You can make your own choices, you don't have to heed his insecure warnings.

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.?

It is the conscience of the mind that decides whether something is good or bad because the human brain creates it. Julius Caesar makes many decisions that would make a "moral" person frown upon him for making "bad" decisions. This quote says that it is the human mind who makes it bad or good, but when in reality it is neither.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How did Enlightenment Thinkers influence the United States Government?

the enlightenement thinkers had ideas that looked great to the American revolutionists. Ideas such as all men are equal and that everyone has a right to live a good life and that everyone was free. At the time of revolution, it was what every American wanted. One of the reasons for the civil war and what many people died to protect. Still today, the US moral and government codes are based on the Englightnemnt ideas that started in Europe

1 year old projectile vomiting.?

I work at a daycare, and the whole day was going fine. It was about 5pm and I was holding a 1 year old little boy and he was acting pretty normal, besides being a little cranky (Which isn't unusual, he is all-organic and sometimes he gets cranky before he poops because being all-organic messes up his digestive tract) Anyways, and I walk over to a place in the room and all of a sudden he projectile vomited all over me. Then I turned him outwards kind of in reaction and he then again projectile vomited on the wall. He then vomited at least 2 more times forcefully and then there was another handful of him throwing up whatever was left in his poor stomach. The things he had to eat that day was Yogurt, Green Beans, Carrots, Corn, Chicken, and 3 bottles of formula. The vomit was a curdy texture... Do you think this is food related, or a bug? I am just worried that I will catch it. Earlier this week I had 2 children go home with fevers... But the little boy had no fever or anything. After vomiting he was as pale as a ghost though.... Any Ideas?

Could i be prego or is it just stress?

im very regular!!!! i get my period 28 days later after the first day of my period...the only time i missed my period was because i was pregnant!!! not only that, i know when im ovulatin so i knew i was gonna end up pregnant...anywho, on dec 26, me && my partner had && 2 days later i took the plan b..i bled for 2 days on the 2nd && 3rd of jan...but on the first of jan we had && he came inside of me but i didnt take the plan b..i was suppose to ovulate on the 3rd, 4th && 5th so you know *** stays in your body for 3 days so technically im suppose to be pregnant...anyway, on the 7th i had again && i took the plan b again && i bled again for 2 days a week says that plan b messes up your cycle for a few days but i was suppose to get my period on the 18th of jan && its now feb 3rd && i still havent gotten it!!! i been googlin all about pregnancy symptoms && more info bout the plan b because i been havin tenderness but i dont see a change of size && it also said that its one of the side effects for the plan b if you take it more than once in one month...i been feelin constipated but i know thats cuz i havent been eaten fiber...i been feelin moody && been sleeping ALOT like 12 hours a day..i been VERY fatigue && just yest i been havin belly is slightly big but thas cuz i drink (stop drinkin now just in case i am pregnant) alot of BEER (beer belly)...&& just 3 days ago i started havin a small white discharge which i know that happens when you ovulate (&& if i would have gotten my period on the 18th, this is the time i would be ovulatin) but then again, i just read that some women get that while they are prego, my apetite has changed, i usually eat alot but lately i been feelin nauseus bout everything && i get cravings of specific yess, all signs point that im prego but i already took so many prego home test && they all say negative...i dont have any type of insurance && i cant afford to go to the doc so i havent gone to get a blood test...the crazy part is that me && my partner talked bout it && we do want a baby so we are hopin i am..sooo since i been prayin for one, im thinkin im gettin the symptoms cuz i want the baby so bad...&& since i been goin tru so much right now, im stressin && maybe thats why i havent gotten my period or maybe cuz i took the plan b twice && messed me up?? idk what to do...has anyone been tru somethin like this?? i just hope that it turns out that i am...i was readin that alot of women get alot of negative home && blood test but later on they find out that they were..i just hope i am one of pray that i am :) anyway, please let me know what else i can do to see if i am...btw, if i am, i should be bout 6 weeks, what should be goin on now?? oh && im 21 && im fertile cuz all my family is fertile lol

Can someone figure out this crochet pattern?

There is only 1 stitch being used throughout the whole scarf. It looks like a UK tr or htr /US dc or hdc - and to get the effect for the scarf the stitches are worked in the back loop only.

What happened to the show Supernatural?

they still have several episodes left but got pushed back due to the writers strike. they have already been renewed by the CW for another season

Question for those who filed taxes with hr block?

I've done my taxes at HR block the past 3 years and I would get my state return in about 3 weeks. I live in California, its probably different in every state.

I heard that Danica Patrick was booed at the indy 500 today - Why ?

Someone said the race card driver Danica Patrick was boo'd at the indy 500 today. She is usually so popular - what was she booed ?

How to thaw out ground beef FAST?

I planned on making Lasagna tonight for my boyfriend but forget to take it out of the freezer last night, i just took it out and its 6pm now, i wanna know a quick safe way to thaw it fast so we can have dinner at at point tonight. (we usually eat later anyways)

Is there a way to stop one caller texing your mobile?

I just want to stop one number from sending me texts. Is this possible? I have a sony ericsson k800i, and I'm with orange payg.

What statistical test to be used to get the accuracy between two samples with the same number of trials?

I have a prototype of a device which intends to improve the original one. I need to get the accuracy of my prototype based on the the original. The output for every trial is actually whether ped or failed and not an actual value. How can I get the accuracy and what statistical method should I use?

Girl stops talking to me, cannot understand why? (weird story)?

If you really want her then you need to be more aggressive. If you don't, then its going to fizzle out and she's going to run in to a guy that does want her. That's probably what happened.

Icelandic grammar help please?

figured out some of this but not some early parts especially the phrase "I'll soon belong in tha timage". For what grammatical reasons are there more words in the icelandic subs in this song than the english ones? Can someone explain the grammar in this song?: just look up icleandic hellfire at youtube i'm getting this error 999.

He likes me and i like him, he has a gf only cuz he thought i said something i didn't! please help me!!!?

He still really likes me and i like him a LOT. i guess some one started a rumar that wen some one asked me if i liked him i said ewww. witch i did not. he knows the truth now and says he feels like he's missing out on me. I dont know what i should do. i mean i've never felt like this about someone. I mean wen i found out thats why he was going out with her i cryed. i've been in hystarics and idk wat to do.

My nephew missing too much school?

I can't speak for high schools in Canada but schools in the US would be concerned about the credits that students need to graduate and usually you get a certain number of credits for each cl. Absences can affect getting those credits. And yes, those absences are a lot but given the illnesses that he has had, that happens. Have you spoken to the school? H1N1 hit all schools hard this year with a lot of absences so the school won't be surprised with that. And if you have a doctor's note for the mono, the school will be familiar with kids who have it so that should help, too. He may have to attend summer school but again, that may be different in Canada. Your best answers will come from his school so how about starting there if you haven't already?

Which Wideout in Week 11? Must win Situation!?

You gotta start Boldin. No explanation there. But as far as the number 2 going Jennings....hes playing the bears. The same bears that Kerry Collins threw all over. The bears p D stinks. Plus Greg Jennings is a fantasy stud!

Why do guys say I freak out when I'm not?

why do you send the quetion marks? there obviously not there. i have to admit i get annoyed to when someone sends me more then one text. if im not there, im not there, get over it!! wait for me to come. its annoying so i kinda agree that the question marks werent nessecary. they make you seem desperate.

Is this funny?

rofl!!! I consider myself of those easily amused peeps, but I think on a scale from! a 10!!! I personally luv it. (Not because I get amused easily though). I'm going to tell all my buds about it!

Do you think David haye should retire from boxing? if not, then what should he do with his career?

i can't see a fight out there for haye know one other than him wants to see a rematch he lost convincingly against wlad and vitali would stop haye when he choose to.haye is only 30 not yet at his heavyweight peak he could hang around a couple of years till the klitschko's retire then win back a title . it's a shame vitali is fighting adamek ,adamek would be a good fight for haye he could show some of the power and speed that made him so exciting as a Cruiser and it would be a great fight.if david continues he should get rid of adam booth his so called master plan to beat wlad was the same tactics he used with george groves vs james degale, trying to stay on the outside against wlad and pop shot , it doesn't take eddie futch to see this wasn't working and should have tried more combination instead of single shot. if david fights on he should do a dennis andries and see if manny stewart will take him on .....

Does he like me as much as i like him?

i think he does, If he stars at you like that, I think you shouldn't confess, Wait till maybe he does, Just in case. Check out my question.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Immigration laws?

American imigration laws are not very much enforced to begin with, Its not that we need new laws, all we need is to enforce the laws that are already in the books. Its a well known fact that America is dependent on the cheap labor that is being generated by immigrants, who come out here and accept lower wages and labor standards, government officials always look the other way on this issue, because there is always someone out there making a profit, who is also making huge political contributions on the side. Its been this way for many years, and it wont change anytime soon, if ever.

Why can't people accept that I love my country, even if I live in America?

I don't think they have a problem with you loving another country. They may have a problem with you not being able to distinguish between reality and fiction. That can be very confusing for people not living in your mind.

Influential Books?

Actually none of these, I think "Alas, Babylon" is a truer view of what possible societal issues in a suddenly dyfunctional world would be like. That book changed the way I look at life and the future.

How come there were so many geniuses years ago and none now?

Tesla, Da Vinci, Einstien, etc all I know of is Stephen Hawking....are we becoming dumber or are they just tucked away in a lab and we never hear about them?

Is this considered betrayal?

As I was doing the bills for this month, I found out that my husband and his father decided to refinance our two cars. I was never consulted in this transaction and my name was never under these two cars so I did not have to sign. My in-laws and I have never really gotten along. I do respect them but they never respect me. My husband has realized that his family does wrong to me but has never confronted them. They seem to want things their way ALWAYS. Anyways, the refinance took place on the 6th of August. Just now I found out and when I confronted my husband, his excuse was that he was going to tell me but at that time, we had an argument and we didn't speak for a week. I'm saying to myself, what about the rest of the weeks afterwards. We were talking after that fight up until now. I feel betrayed. I feel left out. How would you feel and what would you do?

Do you hate me because I am muslim?

My mother is egyptian my father is lebanese and african. We are practicing devout muslim. I attended an Islamic Shcool ran by the Saudi Govt. I have served in US military for 8 years and plan to continue until I am forced to retire. I have sworn to defend this country and everyone in it with my life. So does my religion and my background make me a bad person? Can I prove that there are good muslims? that we arn't extremists? (Not even a majority of us) can I erase or at least dilute this image that we have?

I'm confused - so I'm anti-women's equality now?

there is actually a branch or whatever of feminism that says that strippers and actresses are good because they promote the female form and blah blah blah. but i must agree that you have no need to join the "club"! it doesn't matter if someone disagrees with what you believe. no two people will agree on everything everytime if they say they do then they are lying to themselves and each other. be you. think what you think. if someone cannot agree to disagree then that is THEIR insecurity, and it shouldn't make you question yourself!

What is a free antispyware with real time protection?

Most free antispyware have no real time protection, including adaware and super anti-spyware. The only free antispyware with real time protection that i could find was spyware terminator. Are there any more?

A part of my first chapter in Mother Earth. Tell me if you like it!?

I liked it, but it may need some revising, and an amount of editing. I am also an aspiring author, so I also know how tough itis to continue writing, so just hang in there! This book has the potential to be a best-seller, so do your best and keep writing, because I know you'll make it there someday.

Supra skytop size help !!!?

im looking to buy some new supra skytops red / black tie dye and i was wondering what size to get 10 or 9 . I wear a Duffs high tops 10 . Any help. Thank you

Dietary Supplements.?

True or False : There is no official agency that ensures the quality of dietary supplements. Anybody know?!?!?

Nu Metal sucks?

There is no good Nu-Metal bands. Mudvayne, Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit and Insanse Clown posse are not good. I remember my first school. It was a Catholic school but in around 1997 or so kids would carve Insane Clown Posse and Korn into anything carvable! I go back to that school and look at those 11 years later. It's just not good.

Guys! you can totaly help me out cuz you guys are weird hahha! >jp its a weird story! help?

one thing you can do is talk to him as a friend and don't give him any tips of "i like you".. just be friends invite him to hangout with you and your friends... just keep him close and maybe later he'll realize he likes you too and things will work out.. but if not its always good to have friends around.

Just coincidence or not???

ok so theres this guy i like...a lot! haha i think he may like me too. Anyway it is basically well known around the school of my celebrity crush (zac efron) and well the guy i like kinda looks like him. In my 1 cl, his friends stressed of how he looked like him for like the whole 40 min! they kept exaggerating on ways he could be more like him and so forth! it was so awkward cuz it was basically making it blatantly obvious that i could like him! could this be a way for his friends to point out that i like him too? or just coincidence and me just over yzing??

Please!!! I need your advice. What should I do?

You have to finish med school first, if you don't you will grow to resent her and any child that should come along. This will ultimately ruin your relationship. She needs to understand you need to focus on your studies first. If she doesn't respect that then she is not the right person for you because she is not looking out for your best interest

Suede Dry Cleaner Spray marked Ugg Boots?

Yes!! Ugg's aren't a Suede or Nubuck leather, it's sheepskin so unfortunately you have probably stained them. You can try getting it out with Ugg cleaner, and ONLY Ugg cleaner but if that doesn't take it out, then nothing will without damaging them further.

How can i run the mile faster?

im in middle school and we have to run the mile. i am ok at running it but iwant to run a bit faster. i usualy run at a jogging paste the whole way through but i get really tired. do any of you know how ican build up to run a bit faster ? or is there anything i should at before or drink before i run?

Where are the ABS sensors in a car?

they will def be on the front tires. im not positive they will be in the back you could check. there should be a wire around the rotars some where

Reactions to MRI with contrast?

I am having a lumbar MRI with contrast tomorrow morning. I've had 2 or 3 of the same MRIs before, but never with contrast. I am allergic to iodine, which the MRI center said is not in the contrast dye. I am also allergic to many things, including all types of hair dye, certain medications and food. I have been reading a lot about the contrast MRIs and seeing that a lot of people have had bad reactions. Should I insist on havin the MRI without contrast? I am very nervous, and any advice would be greatly appreciated!

My dog may have eaten chocolate...?

I came home and found hershey kisses wrappers on the floor, and I'm not sure if my dog ate them or my niece. It is about 15 hershey kisses, milk chocolate. I called the vet, and he has not shown the clic signs of poisoning, he has actually been very playful and acting normal. The problem is, for 2 days now, he has not pooped. He will squat like he wants to, but nothing will come out. He is a 20 pound labradoodle. I heard that feeding canned pumpkin, adding metamucil, and adding mineral oil are some remedies. Can someone tell me for sure what is a safe route to try and cure constipation at home? I will have to take him to the vet if it keeps up for another day.

Were can i watch veronica mars season 4 online?

i cant find a wesite that shows the first epososide of veronica mars!! im dyin to see it please help me. im adicted to the show. i only watched 10 min on youtube and theres no ther part. ugh.

Is it wrong to be attracted to older guys?

I'm 16 and I've always been attracted to older guys-about 30+. They're never ugly, they're always somewhat cute, even if they have some gray hair. I'm never going to date a guy that much older than me if I'm this young, because thats just not right. But is it normal to be attracted to older guys like that? They are usually guys that are the age of Hugh Laurie, and look like him too. Kinda gray, but still young looking. That normal?


your torterras wood hammer,or earthquake should be able to take out lucario sorry ghost and dark pokemon have no weakness just use bronzong and teach your pokemon a eletric move for togekiss

What do you think of this story? ?

This is the first time I've been able to read a person's whole post about a story they're working on. I usually stop at the beginning because it just isn't interesting but you're story was very good and imaginative. I actually want to read more. When you get it published, I want to buy it. Seriously.

What are some good exercises for.....?

Im 5'8 and 117lbs and i quit gymnastic at the end of summer and soccer season ended two weeks ago, so i need some good Ab and back exerises because my fab on my stomach is beginning to turn to flab, but luckily i still have my thick leg and arm muscle!

Could America cope if they Get a earth quake and Tsunami like Japan?

10.0 would effect the whole world not just America. But something like Japan, well all you have to do is look a New Orleans to get an answer. But at least we know celebrities will help out when it happens.

What is the red white and blue star in the western sky at night lately?

I viewed this star at about 11:00 pm PT. my position is 35 deg 26' N 119 deg 1' W. My 100X telescope from my perspective was facing due west and was angled around 50 degrees ( alittle higher in the sky than a 45 deg angle. You can't miss it it is very bright (one of the 2 or 3 brightest in the sky) and changes every few seconds from yellow to red, white and blue. A very beautiful sight to see. Might be Sirius but I've never noticed it until of late. It seems to be stationary( ie I had to adjust the telescope slightly north and lower on the horizon every few seconds to keep it in view like the other stars. It's not an aircraft or a light on top of a radio tower.

Pros and Cons about the Blackjack 2 Cellphone!?

I am thinking about getting the blackjack 2 or the AT&T tilt. i already found pros and cons on the tilt but not on the blackjack. are they both businessy phones cause im a teen and dont need that. i just like texting and recording songs and all that. i might use e-mail and stuff but not alot. i will not be aload to use the internet though. which ones better?

Pregnant, married, no heatlh insurance?

So, I just found out I am pregnant. I have no health insurance. I am currently unemployed.. my husband has a job and we can afford to raise a baby but I really do not think we could afford to pay doctor bills for something like this. My husband is from Venezuela, he is currently applying for his Green Card (through marriage to me because i am a us citizen born in the usa). Will I be qualified for Medicaid if my HUSBAND is NOT a citizen?

Exboyfriend trouble... ):?

So I found Out my exboyfrinend(alex)had been cheating on me with one of my friends(sammy)and today another one of my friends(Lina) told me he was flirting with her. I think they are secretly going out and he's cheating on both of my friends and idk wat to do about it cuz I love both my friends so I dont want to tell them Alex is cheating on them but I feel like I have to cuz I want to protect them from him. He's a jerk and I want him to suffer the way I did so I really want to tell both girls. Lina was there for me when I broke up with Alex and Im over him now and I told her it wad fine for them to go out but I don't like it if she's keeping it a secret from me and denys it when I ask...what do I do?!?!?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Do you know where to watch Spanish drama with english subtitle online?

If you have access, Netflix watch instantly has a ton of free movies you can watch. For Argentina (which has a unique accent and very different vocab), there's "La historia oficial" -- a movie I LOVE about the Dirty War. Otherwise, I don't know any legal way to watch movies.

Amnesty international say both Israel and Hamas should be banned from buying weapons.?

seems such a simple and logical way to stop both sides, ban the USA and Syria and anyone else from selling (war profiteering) their weapons to each side.

Tiny little perfect english hunter braids?

If i see them correctly i think those a yarn braids. Very easy to do, just look it up. even i can do it and i suck at braiding.

Railroad Conductor trainee?

I am thinking long and hard about changing my career. I am a certified master level Harley Davidson Technician at a dealership that has gone threw some very hard times, our company was bought out and we lost all vacation time and seniority within the new company that I had been with for 5 years, I have been selected to attend a conductor trainee course with a large railroad and have been really thinking about the pros and cons. I am married and have a 5 year old child, I know the retirement is good and helth benifits are hard to beat but life on call has its own set of challenges. I asked one of the interviewers how long it would take to pay your dues and get on a more regular shift and his answer was 12 years... Is this a scare tactic or is that the truth and any information from a currenc conductor and advice would be great. Thanks

Is it still possibe to ind seasonal jobs in Denmark despite the recession?

I heard ped few years that Denmark pays great for seasonal jobs such as fruit/vegetable picking. I was hoping to come this summer to work in Denmark but it obviously not doing great economically and was wondering if that affects the possibility of inding fruit picking job there at this point?

Songs with piano in them?

I am trying to find some awesome/really moving/powerful songs that have piano in them. I am trying to find somewhat "newer" songs (down the line of chiodos, mayday parade, etc). We all know the following groups have used the piano: ELTON JOHN, QUEEN, BILLY JOEL, KEANE, COLDPLAY, THE BEATLES, etc. So please don't recommend songs that are blatantly obvious (like the artists mentioned above) I'm trying to find great songs, that might not be well-known. Lets find some good songs people. Thank you.

Any Suggestions for a 20 yr old with Receding hairline baldness?

Hi, Im a 20 yr old Black male. A few months ago my hairline was disappearing. Now its pushed back alot. The front of my hairline is in tact its more of the corners. Its like widows peak baldness. Im not sure its hereditary, but also know my father had all his hair around this age. I'm not sure what I should do? I always kept my hair low and it just looks weird when cut now. Is there any medications or even surgery's to get my hair back? Can a regular doctor help me? To go completely bald is not an option, maybe when I get older? any ideas?

How can I gain more confidence at work and be taken seriously in meetings?

Here's the thing - I recently got a promotion at work, which I'm very pleased about but of course requires me to take on a lot more responsibilities. Im ok with the pressure except for one thing - having to do meetings with clients by myself or speaking up in meetings. I have always had social anxiety, but I don't think this is the only factor making me nervous. The thing is, I am fairly young - mid 20s, but I look younger than my age - I could easily p as a teenage girl if I dressed like one. Also I am the youngest of the family, and I'm used to people treating me like a child...even to this day. I guess I give off a sense of vulnerability or I look weak...I'm not sure what it is. So I'm petrified of having meetings with people in their 30s and 40s that are very strong and self-ured - Im worried theyll look at me and be like, wow she has no clue what she is doing or she seems too young for this. I am worrying myself to death about how I will do in meetings next week - any advice?

What can i do about Popular mean girls?

Those girls are probably going to end up with some jerk husband and on their 5th kid. You will be in college making friends and having fun. Who cares what they think anyway! The more you react. the ammo it gives them. Those girls are hateful and are taking their issues out on you. You will be out of school and on your way to living a good life soon. Love yourself girl! Maybe you can talk to the counselor and see what he/she thinks and get yourself another table at lunch. They should understand and remove you from the situation. I hope this helps and good luck.

Should I give an ptential employer my SSN# over email for background check?

I responded to a Craigslist late last night and attached my resume. I just got a response from a rep from a company called Valiant Solutions, asking me for my social security number in order to do a background check. I checked out the site, and it looks OK..but I am still wary.

Gr.12 Physics Momentum/Energy Question- In a ballistics pendulum, a 25g bullet is fired and embeds itself in..?

In a ballistics pendulum, a 25g bullet is fired and embeds itself in a 1.5 kg sandbag hanging from a 2m lon, causing it to make a 44 degree angle with the vertical. What was the initial velocity of the bullet?

How many kgs would I lose?

yea im the same as u im 14 and 61 kg's and i tried starving myslelf but i noly got upto 2 days and was fairly sick afterwards and ended up gaining weight for sum reason. so now im trying to excercise. dont starve yourself, go bikriding after school, its much better.

Why do people usually use diet coke when they do the diet coke and mentos eruption?

what makes diet coke work better than regular coke when doing the diet coke and mentos experiment???

Pls help me find a forum related to crochet.?

recently i came across this site of a forum. i think it wasnt in english. but it had some fabulous downloadable ondori crochet books.unfortunately i couldnt bookmark the site.can anyone help me find that forum please.thankyou.

Help me in my trip to thailand?

i want to visit both koh samui and koh phi phi. what route should i take if i'm starting my journey from bagkok ? please suggest the shortest and cheapest way since we friends are back packers.

Electors in an Electoral College?

Okay. . .so. I am confused. We have this system of an electoral college, save a modified version in Maine and Nebraska. And they are winner-take all style, meaning that the person who wins the most electorates wins the whole states elctoratal votes, which equivalate to the number of Reps in the House + 2 (for the number of Senators). For example, VA has 2 Senators + 11 reps which would equal 13 electoral votes. And we voters vote in our electoral districts or whatnot. But then each state also has two electors selected from the political parties? And they cast a vote for President and VP? I am so confused with how these "electors" come into play. How does this vite work? Can they vote against the voters in the State's district? And are they only chosen from Republican and Democratic parties? What about 3rd parties, like Tea Party people or Constitutionalists? How does our vote for President correlate with an elector?

Is the google links program a scam?

Mainly all these "get-rich schemes" are a scam. Use your common-sense, trust your judgement.

What should I get my 13 year old boyfriend for valentine's day?

A giant stuffed teddy bear that says i love you ha ha i know if i had a gf i would want that lol but there a little pricey!!! definitely worth it tho

Item sitting at post office, can I ask for its return?

I purchased an item from a vendor. Essentially, I was ripped off and decided to return the item under their "no hle 30 day guarantee". I notified them of the return, and obtained a return authorization. I sent the item back as instructed, and now the post office has attempted to deliver it, and they have not picked it up from the post office. It has been 7 days. I'd like the item returned to me before I file a dispute with my credit card company as I stupidly did not keep enough information to doent the fraud aspect of my allegations due to their "no hle 30 day return policy". Obviously, they have no intention of picking up the item and just giving me a refund. Thank you.

Down syndrome brochure?

in bio we have to do a brochure on a disease and i have down syndrome. the last bulletin says "research outlook". im not asking for an answer, but what does research outlook even mean???

In Fergalicious where Fergie is in the cake, what are those two golden statues and what are they for?

The golden statues look female and they're next to Fergie in the cake. I thought that when a king or a leader would be between two statues doesn't that mean something? Because Fergie was between those two statues. What does that mean? What are those two golden statues? And what are those two golden statues for?

I need help how to Ollie on a skateboard?

I'm trying to learn how to Ollie but I'm trouble doing it.When people Ollie on a skateboard they push down and and it goes off the ground but when i push down it doesn't go off the the ground. I need help! Please help me anyone!

If God is all-loving and all-powerful...?

its very difficult to answer that. I think god has his reasons for everything. I sometimes suspect that this is hell, or purgatory, and we are all being tested to prove our worth to get into heaven.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Economics Marginal utility Question?

If there is no spending limit, I think the answer would be c), but if there is a spending limit, then b is the answer. This would be because you could afford more burritos, and if burritos have a greater marginal utility, then you get greater joy out of just eating burritos.

Our estate agent is trying to use my and my housemates security deposits to pay off one person's unpaid rent?

I advise you to read over your contract carefully and be absolutely certain that that there is no provision allowing what your estate agent threatens to do. If your contracts were indeed separate, your estate agent is full of it and cannot take that action legally. If it were me in your position, I'd request that the agent show you where in your contract the action is allowed; if the agent could not, I'd inform the agent that if the illegal action is attempted, I'd fight it in court.

Can you find ads on the top banner of this site?

Can't find ads on at the top banner? can you find it? is there some geographic location reason?

How do I know if my computer supports ATX?

I'm installing a new power supply and I was told that I need to verify that my PC supports ATX. How do I determine if my computer supports ATX? I'm running a Dell Inspiron 530, quad core, standard stock.

I don't have enough to do at work, what should I do?

I was recently hired as an accounts payable tech at a small state agency, FT. Pay is decent and the benefits are awesome. I was hired mostly to take on the duties of the PT A/P tech, who is also the bookkeeper for an affiliated group. Anyway, I've been here a little over a month and I find that for days at a time I have no work to do. I process a few invoices here and there, act as receptionist and answer the phone when the real receptionist can't. As to keep from going nuts from boredom, I've reorganized our huge file cabinet, updated our agency directory, check through ancient project files, isted other co-workers, and whatever else I could find to do. I'm running out of busy work. The only time I'm *busy* is during the latter part of the week, when we are completing checkruns. It's very frustrating because my co-workers work hard all day, both PT and FT, while I'm struggling to find something to do. I was just told to "look busy", but my job satisfaction is ever decreasing. I'm not cool with getting paid to do nothing. Please help, what should I do???

Can someone proof read this for me?? thanks!?

this is soo full of mistakes. get a friend to revise it for you or something cuz its too hard for me to do it on the computer lol....

Know any bands like these?

you might like disturbed, korn, slipknot, beastie boys, insne clown posse, 30 seconds to mars, yellowcard, four years strong, polarbear club, anthrax, apocalyptica, bad religion, blink 182, bloc party, bowling for soup, bullet for my valentine, cage the elephant, evanessance, flobots, good charlote, lost prophets, metallica, mindless self indulgence, my chemical romance, pantera, queens of the stone age, rev theory, stone sour, sum 41, system of a down, or three days grace.

What do you think of my poem-ish thing?

Shrieks and cold sweats awaken in the night. A dark. yet not unseen figure appears whispers so silent it's nearly unheard. "tell mewhat you see, what haunts your dreams?" so quiet as if it was spoke to the dead "I see a mother mourning for her unborn child, a man, a FATHER drowning his pain, regrets and fear into an empty flask. I see the unseen tears of a forgotten child whose cross no longer stands. I see the woman who paints her mirrors black because she can no longer bear her reflection. I see the forbidden images and desires of the pure child's mind. I see the fire, the burning of the dead and dying, the smoke that rises is intoxicating. I see the angry, the envious, the selfish and the confused all morphed into one, ripping and tearing at the last shards of my sanity. I am haunted by the terror of humanity.

Sheffield you still think you belong in the premiership?

Any team that finishes in the top 2 of the Championship or wins the play-offs has in my eyes earned the right to be in the Premiership. You lose that right if you finish in the bottom 3. Quite simple. The Blades weren't good enough and so went down.

How to reduce my partner's farting?

BEANO!!!!! If you can't get to a store that sells it, you can probably order it online from somewhere and have it shipped to your house.

Help with a Java program (for an entry level course)?

You probably need to delcare both fuelcost variables as doubles. Entering a double for an integer value will give your program runtime errors and therefore not let you enter your second set of values.

When are Tokio Hotel coming to Scotland?

i saw they have been to London / Leeds but not Scotland and there new tour dates are all for the US. thank you (:

Would you hate America if...?

These regions that you identified are all crap-holes because of their religion. If you want to fix it go there and start to enlighten them.

Period Problems. Help! Please...!!!?!?!?!?

OK! SO, I got my period last wednesday, and I really needed to go to the nurse to get my pad. And of course I was freaking out beacause i've never had my period before and its really overwhelming when it comes on the worst possible day. Any way. The tacher let me go, bad thing, i'm in 7th grade, the guys are really immature, and there were 2 in there. Luckily they both left before she isted me, but what do I do if she asks me first. Do I whisper? OH! And My period is really heavy, will it be heavy just the first time, or every time? And I'm really athletic, so what if I have a game, and I need to change really bad, but i'm not allowed to leave. I have to run 3 miles every time I leave the gym, all my coaches are guys! How do I take a shower if im gonna get blood all over the towel in athletics? UGH! LIFE IS HARD!

Meiosis Chromosome Confusion?

When the chromatids separate during anaphase they become a chromosome by themselves so there are 23 chromosomes in each gamete.

Kerry King Overrated?

I love Kerry King and I thinks he's great but this kid says hes overrated and it's HILARIOUS. You will lol. You HAVE to admit he's right though. Enjoy. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this typical menopause symptoms?

I'm 46 years old and have always had regular periods every 26 days. A couple of weeks they came two days late, lasted for two days and stopped. I did two pregnancy tests and had a blood test but they all came up negative. I'm tired all the time, have morning nausea, enlarged and I have cravings for fruit juice and vegetable juice. Does this sound like typical menopause symptoms?

Need opinions here-all help would be appreciated!! SOS!?

I dont think that was sweet and honest. She rates people on beauty and personality and compares scores out of ten? You could actually be more lovable if you wore stilettos and lipstick? That sounds unbelievably superficial to me, that she scores you up for "y, charming, real, honest, funny and caring" but you lose marks for not wearing enough make-up. I dont think you're being a baby, I think you know you deserve better than somebody who withholds approval on the grounds that you dont disguise yourself with cosmetics or give yourself backache with high heels.

Can i have my Angels footprints Engraved?

more than likely. The best way to find out take the card to a jeweler and ask them if it is something they can do or not.

Is medicine shown below safe?

Fantasy Football Question, Schaub or Romo in Week 9?

Who should I start in Week 9 FF? Matt Schaub or Tony Romo? Schaub lost Owen Daniels (TE) and is playing Indy, but Romo is playing tough Eagles Defence... who should I start?

Sis having triplets..i came up with these names...?

Summer is nicer than Sunny. It ages better, too. How about Sunny as the middle name? I like Katherine but not really Kathleen. Scarlett (with two t's) is nice! Marie is nice, but a bit of a filler name. Sykora is different, but maybe the other two names should have a meaning to your family as well. Best of luck to your sister : )

Why has the Democrat Party never apologized to African-Americans for the atrocities committed against them?

because today they say that it's the republicans fault for everything. why do they say that because republicans support the business sector and then they point out the lack of blacks currently succeeding in the business sector. so where the democrats had a past of overt racism the republicans have a a present of supposed racism. it's just political pandering.

How do I cite something that is quoted in a doent?

I want to quote a quote in my history paper (MLA format). It is a short quotation, and it is in a primary source. I don't know whether to reference/cite the author of the primary source because I don't know if the quotation is exact or if I should use the person who spoke the quote.

Are we setting the foundation for the antichrist?

Yes, I really do believe that we are setting it now! For several reasons is that when the antichrist comes to earth there will be no need for God (thats what they will think). Because we can clone and control the weather now, could you imagine what will go on next?!? People now days have nothing to do with church or God. He is optional to our opinion of needs these days. When the antichrist comes he will show miracles and well this world will be sold out! I mean, people go crazy for Criss Angel and he floats around and makes things dissapear. Now if some random guy came back from the dead and everyone saw it happen, they would worship him in seconds. And I know that somone will reply something like "who cares about God" or "Gods not real". All I have to say about that is...Go ahead, your just even more evidence of how people dont care or believe in God.

Can somebody tel me how can i run some body credit?


Where to get a quick, good paying 14?

I need money for some new clothes..and shoes and other stuff..but I have no job. Im not old enough to get a worker's I need help..I live in oakland..

Do you think my husband married me for my looks or money?

My family have money and my dad gave him $1,000 to marry me. He took the money and ran on our wedding night with some cheap tramp. Should I divorce him or wait for him to come back to the motel? I am heartbroken. I'm not that ugly am I? I look like my avatar.

I need some insight, I'm really scared right now. Is this anxiety? Has anyone felt this way, ever?

Those are my exact symptoms. I know those symptoms're depressed and don't know how to fix yourself.

I was kicked out of my karate/kickboxing cl 5 years ago, was I too good ?

You were too good for the McDojo you were attending. You should have been taking kickboxing instead of the 'belt karate' that puts so much emphasis on personal safety. You probably could have beaten the hell out that black belt you sparred with in a ring, a cage, or the street. You should do boxing or kickboxing. You're the kind of person who likes full contact and you'll get it in boxing or kickboxing.

Why do bigots discriminate against gays?

ual orientation is natural. It is not a choice, so why do bigots (hetero males)primary hate or discriminate Gays so much? Is it because they are afriad of being emasculated by their peers or is it that delirious religion Christianty?

Need some good bands?

You listen to rock, punk rock, thrash metal, grunge, metal, clic rock, and alternative rock. Nice music taste. : ) You should definitely add Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, and Black Sabbath. Just youtube them, and you will get a TON of songs!! Keep on listening to good music!!

Home canning salsa - seems like recipes call for too many jalapenos?

I make fresh salsa all the time, and now i have way too many tomatoes and plan to can some salsa. but the recipes seem to call for a LOT more jalapenos than I put in my fresh salsa, and i make it about the equivalent of a medium store-bought canned salsa. ** Do the jalapenos end up milder when you cook the salsa as you are canning it in a water bath? ** Or do I have extra hot jalapenos or something? (The variety is Mucho nacho, i leave them on the plant until just before they start turning red). thx so much!

How do I enlarge the text on my stories?

I know, it's a lame question, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I even downloaded the recommended program which is supposed to carry over format changes, and it does things like bold, italic, and underline, but that's it. I've seen other peoples stories with larger text so I know it's possible. Mine looks about 10 point font right now, and it's hard to read, hence wanting to fix it. Thank you for any help. Ja ne.

Anyone know of any good hotels in bangkok?

You can search and choose hotel information, rates and availability for free in over 200 countries world wide at my profile.

Should a parent who lives out of town expect a courtesy call when they have bought baby gifts on-line?

I used thank you cards for friends and other family when I got gifts, but I told my closest family members thank you as soon as I got my gifts. I don't know that I would give them anything else if they are going to be that ungrateful.

37 year old male with a lousy dating history - HELP!?

Starting off I just turned 37 and I am very shy and it is very hard for me to even make any friends to begin with. Then to top it all off I have dated only 5 women in my life, all of which are after I had turned 25. None of the relationships ever made it 6 months as I was used plus I was told I was clingy even though some have told me I am not clingy. Other than being shy I have been morbidly obese most of my life but I have been working hard on losing weight this year and will continue to work hard on losing weight. However, it has been 3 years since I have been in a relationship and no woman will ever give me the time of day. Despite the fact I have never been picky in searching for women the dating sites are not even giving me any results at all. Is it too late for me to ever find a romantic partner? If not then what should I do? If so why is it too late?

Why do some people pay in taxes and others receive a return?

I'm wanting to have a home business and having nothing but fits on trying to figure out all the income tax stuff. The IRS website isn't really helping me much and I've contacted several people and keep getting different things, as I know I will here but seriously. My mom has a home business and she always has to pay in at tax time. If I had a home business I know I don't have to file up to a certain amount but how do you keep track of all that and claim it? Would anything be returned or would I have to pay in. I'm wanting a home job but not sure about all the tax stuff. Please help and thanks mucho!!!!

If I watch a college lecture, 12 full cles, online, can I get any credit?

Yale has an online cl thing where they post free full lectures for a from an entire semester, so like, 15 credit hours, worth of video. They also post the syllabus, midterm, and final. If I watch it and do the midterm/final, is there anything I can do to make that count for credit? Or is it basically a free time personal knowledge thing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should i get a abortion?

im 6 weeks prego but the baby isnt my boyfriends i was thinking abut getting a abortion becuz i really want a baby with my boyfriend but i allready have a daughter to the guy im pregnent to and hes a really good dad so im not sure? dose it hurt a lot? and if i get one how long untill i can get prego again?

Where can i get the recipes for the food videos i am watching?

i watched paula deans bananas foster french toast video but could not access the recipe? you need a link to the recipes..

I need help understanding affiliate programs?

I'm wanting to join an affiliate program, but my problem is this. Once I create a sale through my web site and a person places their order. When they receive the order there will be all types of brochures and receipts with the companies name and all return sales I will lose a commission on. Is there anyway besides on my site saying bookmark here that can help me? Are there any affiliate sites that act almost like a private label and will handle all sales and customer service under your name? I think a company that provided this service would be huge because all the affiliates doing all the work marketing want their return customers. Anyone with any info or opinions on this, please write.

How can I get my toolbar back on Internet Explorer?

I used to have a regular toolbar at the top of my Internet Explorer home page. I mean that row of words near the top of the screen that says File Edit View Favorites Tools Help. But now for some reason that toolbar has disappeared. I can make it reappear temporarily by pressing Alt + t ... that is, the Alt key and the letter T key at the same time. When I do Alt + t then the toolbar reappears and I can use it in the regular way, but if I leave that page and then come back to it, then the toolbar will have disappeared again and I'll have to do the Alt + t again. I'm using Windows XP. How can I get the toolbar to stay in place and not disappear every time?

Do you ever thought of banning....prostitution?

Hey if you banned it their would still be hookers doing it in pvt which is far more dangerous. I am in no way in favor of prostitution but atleast in a broth they are safer than they are on the streets asking strangers in their car if they want . Who knows who they may be asking. I mean their has been a lot of murders to do with prostitutes. My case being is that most prostitutes are on drugs or some kind of addition that they will do anything to get that thing even if it means breaking the law. I mean they don't care, do they? The only thing they care about is that addition. I think if we banned it tomorrow it would make no difference apart from a lot more arrest how ever hopefully we will be able to come up with a plan that is good. The problem is that tease girls are lost and need help to fight their addition. I think its high time that we set up more opertunties for the poor, Like a building were they can get free counciling to see why they have went down this road. I think that schools should focus more on the poor students to make sure that they don't slip. I know that this would be a very hard thing to do. I mean the building thing we would need to raise taxes. I say that we would rise the tax on your pay slip. The less payed you were the less tax you would pay. I'm not a politan but its time our politans started to act like it

Does this PC do the following?

It will play Crysis and Spore. It also can connect to your TV. The cable that connects your computer to your TV does not transmit audio. You will need to either buy speakers or run a cord from your speaker port on your computer to your stereo/TV. Most likely your will want a Y cable which can be found at any electronics store.

Do you feel sorry for the parents of Casey Anthony?

I've been following this story like a lot of people and I truly feel sorry for Casey Anthony's parents. At first I didn't because I felt they were sticking up for their daughter too much. But if you think about it, either way they lose. If their daughter goes to prison for murdering their granddaughter then they obviously lose two people close to them (daughter and granddaughter)

Please help me with the logistic of this collage?

You could totally use paper! Or better yet, something a bit stiffer like cardstock. You could probably even cut something like a water bottle into that shape.

Has anyone tried the "Big Breakfast" Diet?

it means to eat a large healthy breakfast every morning, that way you are not as hungry thru out the day and will eat less. It is better to eat a large breakfast because you have more time to burn calories thru out the day

The beat for 'The Bone' by ICP sounds familiar. What old song does it sound like?

Insane clown posse has a new album out called Bang Pow Boom. A song on the cd is called 'The Bone.' when i listened to it, the beat sounded so familiar. Does anyone know what song maybe sounds like this, i feel as if its an old song.

Guys anser - what do u mostly lke in girls?

As for me, the girl can't be to easy. She's gotta be fresh and talkative enough (not excessively.) She has to have good features, a positive attitude, and one that likes to have fun and has a '' side.

Why is it when a face sneak attacks ,it's called a "strategical maneuver",but when a heel does ,it's a ?

Hey u above me, u'll bve beaten hard by me if u say anything abour JR......................................

Beginner Skate bored to use im 13?

IM 13 and 5 ft. my friend skateboards and he can pop shove it, ollie, revert, and 180 nollie. and i can never participate with him trying so i would like to learn and i need a solid beginner skateboard. Any price range ive heard to use Powell and speed demon.

Can i buy an insurance policy that guarentees my income in the case of rapture?

My boss is christian... if he ascends to Heaven can i buy some sort of insurance policy to protect against loss of earnings?

Is this a correct theory about Nixon and watergate break in?

I have my own theory on the Watergate break-in. I think it was deliberately botched. One of the burglars, James McCord, taped the door lock the wrong way. That called it to the attention of the security officer who summoned District of Columbia police. The Watergate break-in happened within a few months of Nixon making diplomatic overtures to Red China. McCord had previously served in an intelligence slot at our emby in Taiwan. He was also the first of the burglars to "roll over" on his co-defendants in front of Judge Sirica. I believe James McCord was a double agent working for the Taiwanese and his mission was to set into motion a chain of events to bring Nixon down. I told my theory to G. Gordon Liddy after a speech he gave here at our university some years ago and I watched all the blood drain out of his face!

Stomach hurts so badly?

Why? The pain is like right around the on of my pants (if I had any, but I'm wearing sweats today) it feels like somebody put a 2 ton bowling ball on it while I was sleeping and also kinda feels like somebody is stabbing me with a dagger that's just been sharpened. Why? I'm 13 and a girl? I've also been really uber hungry lately and uber moody

If Kc is 24.4 mol3/L3 for the dissociation of nickel at 25.0 oC, what is Kp (atm3) at this same temperature ?

If Kc is 24.4 mol3/L3 for the dissociation of nickel at 25.0 oC, what is Kp (atm3) at this same temperature ?

Guys opinion please although girls can help too? what do you think of this conversation (details included) ?

No the guy was worried about u from what it look slike so I wouldnt worry the guy just wanted to know what was wrong with u thats all :D no worries k

Why is there a flaky white precipitate that forms in a gl of water when an ice cube melts?

I don't know whether this happens with all water, but it has happened with both tap water and the bottled water that I've noticed. The white precipitate does not occur in still water from the same source, but shows up after it has been frozen and then thawed. I can guess what it is, but why does it only show up after being frozen?

Where can i download The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian OST for free?

Are you sure you want to? The only free copies of this movie currently available for download are very poor quality pirate copies shot in a theater on some guy's shaky camcorder. The picture and sound quality are awful. I know it is expensive to buy movie tickets these days, but, it is worth spending a few bucks on this movie to see it on the big screen. I saw it on Friday and I can tell you that it is awesome (and worth the price of theater admission)!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Has there been any update with construction of the chicago spire and its talks with AFL-CIO for funding?

i havent heard anything since march when it was announces that SFL-CIO would consider funding the project before the markets recover. if so, please provide a link for proof of any new news and you get best answer!

Should I get Whoogas or UGGs?

I am not a fan of either! However, I use to like my UGGs. They were really comfortable. Although, i did not have Whoogas... so I guess I am biased.

Why do i talk to myself for fun?

i will have a conversation with no one i have done it since i was little thats why i loved playin barbies because i love bein each person... i have noticed in all my lil convos i have with my fake ppl they are always arguing usually its me n another person its like fun. he ill give u a example i do it whe EVER im alone lol. i like love it. (me being me)are you serouis right now wow. (other person im talkin for) what the your the one being a ***** right now (me being me) ya ok whatever then (other person im talkin for) yup whatever you and your attitude. or i pretend im walkin into a party and see my ex and im with a new boyfriend and i do our convo like i talk to for him and he wants misses me tryna ask how i have been and im always short with him like he doesnt matter... idk its fun. but sometimes im afraid i do it soooooo much i start to think that thats the way its guna go when i actually talk to who ever i talk to... ya kno?

Why are some people saying Obama did not support Odinga?

They refuse to acknowledge the truth. In fact, I bet you get questions about McCain and Palin as an answer instead. (ta-da...someone has already proved me right) Odinga is a terrorist in his own right who promised the Kenyan Muslim Society he would impose Sharia law on all women (muslim and non-muslim), destroy any religion that isn't Muslim as it is false, and burn down buildings and churches of those that supported Islam. And the best part...on our tax dollars, Obama went and campaigned for him just last year!!! Obama CHOSE to support him, CHOSE to campaign for him. Not a smear.

How is it so easy to predict how individual justices rule?

How is it so easy to predict how individual justices rule? One judge votes conservatively 95 percent of the time, while another votes in a more liberal direction 95 percent of the time. I mean don't the judges job is to try to interpret the law the best they can without any bias. How come conserve/liberal still have this so high percentage of leaning towards their decision?

Does anyone know any good, NEW songs that ARN'T on the radio constantly?

please dont give me songs that are on the radio 24/7, im sick of those.. SO MUCH! & it would be great if all of them wernt : fergie, justin timberlake, or rap. thanks

Do you find the media's coverage of the brian shootings amateurish if not dreadful?

Fair enough when the media has had time to learn about a story and prepare a report to enlighten the mes, but remember these murders were happening while the reporters were standing on the streets. Im from Whitehaven you've no idea how hectic the area was and the amount of rumors flying around so I think the people and the media deserve a little slack at least for today.!

Is a deviated septum considered a pre-existing condition for health insurance?

I recently went to the doctor and was diagnosed with having a deviated septum and needing septoplasty. My insurance has a pre-existing condition waiting period through 04/2010. Since I've never been diagnosed for a deviated septum before, would this still be considered a pre-existing condition? My insurance told me that since it was my first diagnosis it should be covered, though they did not say this was 100% as they cannot guarantee coverage so it makes me a bit weary.

Why must road bikers wear Spandex?

I saw this guy today and thought of this: Why do they all seem to have to wear it? Safety, or purely for the wind factor - cuz it ain't the tour de frace, you'd think..and do you get self conscious?

What is this hatred of Jews?

I am Lebanese and I do not understand why so many Lebanese Christians hate Israelis as the Muslims! Yet a Christian and Jesus told us to love each other! then you are anti-Semitic because I've never seen the Israelis as my enemy but I don't agree with the Israeli army nor the Israeli policy but I do not hate these people and then don't say that Lebanon does not recognize israel, lebanon is neutral and is not a Muslim country. Israel is a country and Palestine is another country;

Which NCAA conference has produced the best NBA line-up?

Given those 2 choices, the ACC definitely.... okafor and kmart have had less than spectacular seasons the past few years......

Are the 12/13 contellations of the "zodiac" ringing around the SUN or the Earth?

The Hetaphorical Substances Which Are Re-Lapsed With The Sun And Stars Reconjoin Against The Altitude Of A Phenomal Crisis.

Which congressman is introducting a bill to repeal the 22nd?

amendment. Please Obamabots no "source" just research the question it is accurate and you will learn about our Constitution at the same time remember the 22nd amendment. Some other countries that have done this are Cuba, Venezuela and Russia.

Should I marry a dying man?

I've known this guy for 10 years and we've always been strictly platonic. However, 3 months ago he told me loves me and that he has the whole time. I knew I felt something for him too, I was just cautious to call it "love". But the problem is he was diagnosed with leukemia 3 months ago and has very little time left. Last night he asked me to marry him and all I could do was cry. He told me he understood if I declined because he said "I know it's incredibly selfish of me to ask this, but it's all I ever wanted. Just you." I know it will hurt tremendously when he's gone but I'm pretty sure I can do this. I think I can take this huge risk and that I love him enough to sacrifice my "safety" and happiness for his. What would you do? Please help, I'm very young...not even 20 yet and I've never had to deal with something like this...

I bought a 1957 trojan sea queen mercury 75 mark 6 60 hp?

i need to no the spark plugs for this engine there was no plugs in the motor and firt time starting tips after 20 years i bought the boat from a friend and he doesnt no what he did with the original plugs. the boat was in storage in florida and i went to and got it and brought it back to wv. it an all wood boat that needs restored he heard the engine run when he first bought it. i need to know any ifo on this vessel i plan on doing a complete restore on it. it has alot of potential and ive researched the engine including the infamous 50,000 mile test run on lake x in florida. i would also like any paperwork brochures etc. any help would be appreciated


there was a game i used to play on my pc back in palestine.its a fps. the game had graphics very similar to quake. it was like an open city. there were shops were you can but guns.there were guards all over town. u could kill them all if can handle it. whenever you would shoot the shops would close down.i think the soldiers were red. when you would go into a restricted area they would attack you. there was also a sewer that you had to go in at some time in the game. sorry for the lack of details i tried google but it just gave stuff on earth quakes. PLEASE HELP .

Any ideas for a desk ornament with moving parts...?

How young is he? In the 70s there was a popular "executive desk toy" that was a frame with several small steel suspended from wires. The idea was that you'd take the one on the end, pull it out a ways, and let it fall back to hit the others. The one on the other end would then fly out and fall back, causing the first one to reciprocate. It was supposed to be a perpetual motion machine, I think, as it would keep going forever on its own unless you stopped it. The well-made ones did, anyway; they were properly balanced. If your friend is young enough that he wouldn't know about those, I'd suggest that. To someone who wasn't around at that time, it would be a new idea.

Bella's Lullaby Confusion?

So I know there are many many versions of this song out on the internet. But there is one I have not heard anyone find. I love it and I think this one fits the best. I just have no idea what it is called. Has anyone heard of it. It's about 5 minutes and 10 seconds long. Apparently it is another one of Carter Burwell's songs. I will try finding a link to it but I cannot promise anything. If someone does find it though I just want the name.

Do you think Jesus was ever married or in love while he lived in earth?

My question is based the "Da Vinci Code" which it brought a lot of controversy. The bible describes him as a human from earth so I ume he also lived a normal life like any other human being. What do you think?

Good job to the USA and its fans in this world cup?

Your the only nice british person in this section. THANK YOU finally. England does talk a lot of trash, but for you I will cheer for them tomorrow.

Any1 been scammed with puppies for sale from grantown on spey ph26 3hy?

there is a lovely wee bulldog on sale from ph26 3hy. bit wary as they want to send the dog by courier also they want me to pay the courier the full price of the dog not sure why i am weary something just doesn't ring true??? help????

Monday, August 8, 2011

How Can I...?

download music from China and Japan? I use ares normally to download music but Its not working for this (no surprise i figured it would be harder that that). Can anyone help me pleasE!

I have ped 12th hsc in 2009 and got very low percentage i wanna reappear for hsc board again is that possi?

because of low percentage i am not getting admission in any college . and i am looking for less then two year graduate course help me

Another early filer with no updates?

Just so you know you can call the IRS Offset automated system ... 1-800-304-3107. They can tell you if you have any offsets which means if you have any errors or if the IRS is holding your funds for a specific reason. If it tells you that you do not have any offsets, you might want to call the IRS and find out where the return is. It could have been one of the ones that was randomly selected for review, in that case you'd have to wait for them to finish reviewing it before they finish processing it to cut the check or DD ... hope that helped.

Weird dream- what does it mean?

something big is happening or will happen to you soon, it will be life changing for you but won't make any difference to anyone else. Are you moving house?

Why don't The Australians have the same Accent as The English?

Language 'evolves' very similarly to biological organisms. When a group of speakers becomes isolated from other speakers of their language, their accent will often change, sometimes developing into a distinct dialect. When two dialects are no longer mutually intelligible, they are considered to have become separate languages.

What is required in college to become a famous singer?

My career explorations cl is doing research for an occupation depending on our salary needs and I've always wanted to be a singer. I am in band at school, and part of an actual band and I'm extremely musically inclined. Can anyone help me?

Auto- Asphyxiation, it's become a problem..?

I smell a phony question here, but I'll give you an answer anyway. I would advise finding a girlfriend. The pleasure can be intense there too, but usually not deadly.

What kind of weather in Thailand in December. What kind of clothes to wear. How much money will I need to 30 d?

Going from Bangkok to Udon Thani. What is the best way?Plane, train or bus. Have a one year old child.

Need help registering to vote, party affiliation?

Well, I am am independent, and I just turned 18. I want to vote in the Republican primary, but I don't want to register as a Republican. I get mixed responses from Google, some people say if I register as an Independent I can't vote in any primary, others say I can vote in one primary... Which is true? If the first is true, can I register as a Republican now, and change my party later (if so, is there a time limit?)



Made-out with my brothers best friend?

Wow, your english is VERY good, better than mine. Anyway, sorry I am clueless about what you should do. If i were in your situation, I would die from confusion.

Meditation: how to stop thinking?

Hm...well I started I only thought of one thing, only one thing. When that thing was the only thing I could think about, I stopped thinking about it and I eventually got blank. It'll take some practice but just block out everything, and eventually block out the blocker. Let your mind be void.

Why are pics of mazes symbolic?

what is the meaning of these maze carvings? some say it's used to rid evil spirits.. and is it only celtics who belived in this?

How many more penalties does atlanta plan on getting away with today?

Refs have been poor all game. Early on it seemed like the Cardinals were offside atleast 3-4 times that wasn't called. The ones they missed on the Falcons were bigger though. That obvious p interference and the holding in the endzone that would've been a safety are huge. I think the Cards might pull it off.

How would I solve this: csc(7pi/3)?

The easiest way would be great. If i can do it on a regular scientific calculator that would even be better. Thanks in advance!

Shoulldd i call him or waiit till he calls me?

so im "together" with this guy and we still havent hu or anything but he really likes me and i like him. he calls me prety much every night to say good night but he just got back from being away for 4 days and he hasnt called me yet tonight and i want to know if i should call him? or should i just leave it and wait to see if he calls me..also does it mean he really likes me if he calls me like every night to say good night..

How would you describe Colombia's economy? Good, Okay, or Bad?

Just tell me if you think Colombia's economy today is in a good, okay, or bad state. Say why if you want to.

Sri lankan WC squad!! what u think?

No V,and Randiv is an odd decision from the Sri Lankan selectors.Jayasuria's form in the past few years has been horrible,but V and Randiv deserve a chance here. V,a world cup hero who has a lot of experience, can provide Sri Lanka plenty of happiness.Randiv might be an unpredictable contender, but this WC is a great start for him in his career and I think he deserved a chance here.Everything else seems fine to me.