Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is this a correct theory about Nixon and watergate break in?

I have my own theory on the Watergate break-in. I think it was deliberately botched. One of the burglars, James McCord, taped the door lock the wrong way. That called it to the attention of the security officer who summoned District of Columbia police. The Watergate break-in happened within a few months of Nixon making diplomatic overtures to Red China. McCord had previously served in an intelligence slot at our emby in Taiwan. He was also the first of the burglars to "roll over" on his co-defendants in front of Judge Sirica. I believe James McCord was a double agent working for the Taiwanese and his mission was to set into motion a chain of events to bring Nixon down. I told my theory to G. Gordon Liddy after a speech he gave here at our university some years ago and I watched all the blood drain out of his face!

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