Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why do i talk to myself for fun?

i will have a conversation with no one i have done it since i was little thats why i loved playin barbies because i love bein each person... i have noticed in all my lil convos i have with my fake ppl they are always arguing usually its me n another person its like fun. he ill give u a example i do it whe EVER im alone lol. i like love it. (me being me)are you serouis right now wow. (other person im talkin for) what the your the one being a ***** right now (me being me) ya ok whatever then (other person im talkin for) yup whatever you and your attitude. or i pretend im walkin into a party and see my ex and im with a new boyfriend and i do our convo like i talk to for him and he wants misses me tryna ask how i have been and im always short with him like he doesnt matter... idk its fun. but sometimes im afraid i do it soooooo much i start to think that thats the way its guna go when i actually talk to who ever i talk to... ya kno?

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