Thursday, August 11, 2011

Are we setting the foundation for the antichrist?

Yes, I really do believe that we are setting it now! For several reasons is that when the antichrist comes to earth there will be no need for God (thats what they will think). Because we can clone and control the weather now, could you imagine what will go on next?!? People now days have nothing to do with church or God. He is optional to our opinion of needs these days. When the antichrist comes he will show miracles and well this world will be sold out! I mean, people go crazy for Criss Angel and he floats around and makes things dissapear. Now if some random guy came back from the dead and everyone saw it happen, they would worship him in seconds. And I know that somone will reply something like "who cares about God" or "Gods not real". All I have to say about that is...Go ahead, your just even more evidence of how people dont care or believe in God.

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