Sunday, August 14, 2011

Could i be prego or is it just stress?

im very regular!!!! i get my period 28 days later after the first day of my period...the only time i missed my period was because i was pregnant!!! not only that, i know when im ovulatin so i knew i was gonna end up pregnant...anywho, on dec 26, me && my partner had && 2 days later i took the plan b..i bled for 2 days on the 2nd && 3rd of jan...but on the first of jan we had && he came inside of me but i didnt take the plan b..i was suppose to ovulate on the 3rd, 4th && 5th so you know *** stays in your body for 3 days so technically im suppose to be pregnant...anyway, on the 7th i had again && i took the plan b again && i bled again for 2 days a week says that plan b messes up your cycle for a few days but i was suppose to get my period on the 18th of jan && its now feb 3rd && i still havent gotten it!!! i been googlin all about pregnancy symptoms && more info bout the plan b because i been havin tenderness but i dont see a change of size && it also said that its one of the side effects for the plan b if you take it more than once in one month...i been feelin constipated but i know thats cuz i havent been eaten fiber...i been feelin moody && been sleeping ALOT like 12 hours a day..i been VERY fatigue && just yest i been havin belly is slightly big but thas cuz i drink (stop drinkin now just in case i am pregnant) alot of BEER (beer belly)...&& just 3 days ago i started havin a small white discharge which i know that happens when you ovulate (&& if i would have gotten my period on the 18th, this is the time i would be ovulatin) but then again, i just read that some women get that while they are prego, my apetite has changed, i usually eat alot but lately i been feelin nauseus bout everything && i get cravings of specific yess, all signs point that im prego but i already took so many prego home test && they all say negative...i dont have any type of insurance && i cant afford to go to the doc so i havent gone to get a blood test...the crazy part is that me && my partner talked bout it && we do want a baby so we are hopin i am..sooo since i been prayin for one, im thinkin im gettin the symptoms cuz i want the baby so bad...&& since i been goin tru so much right now, im stressin && maybe thats why i havent gotten my period or maybe cuz i took the plan b twice && messed me up?? idk what to do...has anyone been tru somethin like this?? i just hope that it turns out that i am...i was readin that alot of women get alot of negative home && blood test but later on they find out that they were..i just hope i am one of pray that i am :) anyway, please let me know what else i can do to see if i am...btw, if i am, i should be bout 6 weeks, what should be goin on now?? oh && im 21 && im fertile cuz all my family is fertile lol

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