Sunday, August 14, 2011

1 year old projectile vomiting.?

I work at a daycare, and the whole day was going fine. It was about 5pm and I was holding a 1 year old little boy and he was acting pretty normal, besides being a little cranky (Which isn't unusual, he is all-organic and sometimes he gets cranky before he poops because being all-organic messes up his digestive tract) Anyways, and I walk over to a place in the room and all of a sudden he projectile vomited all over me. Then I turned him outwards kind of in reaction and he then again projectile vomited on the wall. He then vomited at least 2 more times forcefully and then there was another handful of him throwing up whatever was left in his poor stomach. The things he had to eat that day was Yogurt, Green Beans, Carrots, Corn, Chicken, and 3 bottles of formula. The vomit was a curdy texture... Do you think this is food related, or a bug? I am just worried that I will catch it. Earlier this week I had 2 children go home with fevers... But the little boy had no fever or anything. After vomiting he was as pale as a ghost though.... Any Ideas?

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